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CALL US ➛ 508-744-7766

Paws Dream Doggie Daycare Logo Small

Dog Screening

Thank you for your interest in Paws Dream! The cool place for doggies to play and stay since 2004!

At this time we have very limited availability for specific play styles, temperaments and personalities. We would love to know more about your pup and see if we could be a good fit. If not now, maybe in the near future. Please stay up to date by following our Facebook posts.

We screen all dogs that will be coming into the facility. We require all dogs to be fully vaccinated and current with Rabies, Distemper, Kennel Cough vaccine and have a negative stool sample. We require stool samples to be done every 6 months and we need to see that it was negative for parasites.

All dogs must be spayed/neutered by 9 months but if we see dominance issues, temperament changes, or unwanted behaviors we may need to discuss dismissal until fixed and hormones/testosterone dissipate.

Puppies need at least 2 rounds of puppy shots, Bordetella, and a negative fecal result. After 16 weeks they need to have a Rabies vaccination and 3rd puppy booster.

Due to our Covid protocols we are not having any clients coming into the facility, but please check out our Facebook page!! We upload pictures daily and it will help you get an idea of our facility and all of our doggies! We look forward to speaking with you more to meet you and your doggie 🙂

Please let us know if you have any questions or if you would like to set up a screening time, by email or phone. With our new protocols, all paperwork must be filled out and either emailed or faxed back to us, we are not taking any hard copies at this time. Please have your vet fax over all required vaccinations and fecal test results.

New dog interviews need to arrive at 6:45 AM on the scheduled day. Prior to time of screening we need to have received all documentation through email or fax. Please be sure to check that your vaccine list states that the fecal was negative of any parasites.

Paws Dream
Doggie Daycare

10 Corporation Rd.
Yarmouth Port, MA


e-fax: 309-218-5048

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Accredited Since: 10/13/2009

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